

For years and years I’ve struggled with low self esteem/confidence, and it’s mainly focused around my appearance and my weight, but as I get older, I’m starting to realise that there’s more to life than the way we look. It’s not all about being a silly size 0, or having perfectly straight, ridiculously white teeth, or fitting in designer clothes, it’s about being confident within your own skinWho cares what anyone else thinks? Life’s too short to worry about everyone else’s opinion of your appearance, it’s what’s on the inside that matters. 
People need to look past the exterior and start realising that the interior of a person is where the true beauty is. Obviously humans are attracted to the aesthetics of other humans, but it’s at such a degree now where no-one feels comfortable with themselves  aside from maybe a small minority , and that’s such a reflection on society.
It comes as no shock that the society we live in is a rather cruel one, but if you don’t conform to the ideology of the ‘perfect’ human in regards to your appearance, it seems to serve crueler to you. How is this right? How can this be justified? People shouldn’t be discriminated against because of their weight, or hair and eye colour, or how long their arms are or how short their fingers are. People shouldn’t be discriminated against full stop. We shouldn’t have to care about having wafer thin, mile long legs, or a tiny waist and giant hips – and for men, giant bulging arms and six packs. So what if you’re covered in tattoos and piercings? So what if you have bright coloured hair and stretched ears? People that only care about you for your appearance clearly don’t have any nice personal qualities, so they really aren’t worth the worry. So what if they think that your nose is too big or your face is too freckly? They’re clearly too obnoxious to look towards your personality. 
I’ve realised that comparing myself to others is not a healthy attitude to have, and it was making me unhealthy and obsessed about my appearance.  I’m going to accept myself for who I am, I’m going to love myself and my appearance, from the gap in my teeth right down to the size of my feet, and I’m not going to give a damn about what anyone thinks of me.
I’ve wasted what are supposed to be the best years of my life worrying about what other people think of me, but you know what? Not this year. This year, I’m going to live. I’m going to feel, and most importantly, I’m going to be me. No-one else, just me.


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